Ugly 醜陋

Ugly 醜陋



  • 書名:《Ugly 醜陋》
  • 作者:Constance Briscoe
  • ISBN:9780340895993
  • 類別小說
  • 頁數:433
  • 定價:39.00元
  • 出版時間:2006-11
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:32開


These cruel words are .just the beginning.Constance's mother systematically abused her daughter, both physically and emotionally, throughout her childhood. Regularly beaten and starved, the girl was so desperate she took herself off to Social Services and tried to get taken into care. When that failed, she swallowed bleach 'because it kills all known germs and my mother always told me I was a germ'. When Constance was thirteen, her mother simply moved out, leaving her daughter to fend for herself: there was no gas, no electricity and no food. But somehow Constance found the courage to survive her terrible start in life. This is her heartrending -- and ultimately triumphant -- story.


1 My Family
2 An Addition to the Family
3 A New Father
4 Christmas Cheer-1965
5 Ugly-1966
6 New Shoes-1967-8
7 Witchcraft-1968
8 A Good Catholic Girl-1968
9 I Take the Law into My Own Hands-1969
10 Jacksonmania-1969
11 Cinderella Goes to the Ball-1969
12 The Vanishing Bed-1969
13 A Saturday Job-1969


