




  • 中文名:李仲根
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:陝西安康
  • 出生日期:1977年
  • 職稱:副研究員
  • 學歷:博士研究生
  • 性別:男






(2)國家自然科學基金面上項目, “生活垃圾填埋場汞的甲基化過程與機理研究”
(3)國家自然科學基金青年項目, “西南典型土法煉鋅區鉛的污染行為及其人體健康危害研究”


1.Li Z., Feng X., Bi X., Li G., Lin Y., Sun G. 2013. Probing the distribution and contamination levels of 10 trace metal/metalloids in soils near a Pb/Zn smelter in Middle China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
2.Li Z., Feng X., Li G., Bi X., Zhu J., Qin H., Dai Z., Liu J., Li Q., Sun G. 2013. Distributions, sources and pollution status of 17 trace metal/metalloids in the street dust of a heavily industrialized city of central China. Environmental Pollution
3.Li Z., Feng X., Li G., Bi X., Sun G., Zhu J., Qin H., Wang J. 2011. Mercury and other metal and metalloid soil contamination near a Pb/Zn smelter in east Hunan province, China. Applied Geochemistry
4. Li Z., Feng X., Li P., Liang L., Tang S., Wang S., Fu X., Qiu G., Shang L. 2010. Emissions of air-borne mercury from five municipal solid waste landfills in Guiyang and Wuhan, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
5.Zhu W., Li Z.*, Chai X.*, Hao Y., Lin C-J, Feng X., Sommar J. 2013. Emission characteristics and air-surface exchange of gaseous mercury at the largest active landfill in Asia. Atmospheric Environment
6.Sun G., Li Z., Bi X., Chen Y., Lu S., Yuan X.. 2013. Distribution, sources and health risk assessment of mercury in kindergarten dust. Atmospheric Environment
7.Zhu Z., Li Z., Bi X., Han Z., Yu G. 2013. Response of magnetic properties to heavy metal pollution in dust from three industrial cities in China. 2013. Journal of Hazardous Materials
8.Zhu W., Sommar J., Li Z., Feng X., Lin C-J, Li G. 2013. Highly elevated emission of mercury vapor due to the spontaneous combustion of refuse in a landfill. Atmospheric Environmen
9.Chai X., Hao Y., Liu G., Li Z., Zhao Y. 2013. The effect of aerobic conditions on the complexation ability between mercury and humic acid from landfill leachate and its implication for the environment. Chemosphere,
10.Zhu Z., Sun G., Bi X., Li Z., Yu G. 2013. Identification of trace metal pollution in urban dust from kindergartens using magnetic, geochemical and lead isotopic analyses. Atmospheric Environment,
11.Yin R., Feng X., Li Z., Zhang Q., Bi X., Li G., Liu J., Zhu J., Wang J. 2012 .Metallogeny and Environmental Impact of Hg in Zn Deposits in China. Applied Geochemistry
12.Han Z., Bi X., Li Z., Yang W., Wang L., Yang H., Li F., Ma Z. 2012. Occurrence, speciation and bioaccessibility of lead in Chinese rural household dust and the associated health risk to children. Atmospheric Environment
13.Bi X., Li Z., Zhuang X., Han Z., Yang W. 2011. High levels of antimony in dust from e-waste recycling in southeastern China. Science of The Total Environmen
14.Liu J., Feng X., Yin R., Zhu W., Li Z. 2011. Mercury distributions and mercury isotope signatures in sediments of Dongjiang, the Pearl River Delta, China. Chemical Geology
15.Yao H., Feng X., Guo Y., Yan H., Fu X., Li Z., Meng B. 2011. Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in two newly constructed reservoirs in the Wujiang River, Guizhou, China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
16.Fu Y., Chen M., Bi X., He Y., Ren L., Xiang W., Qiao S., Yan S., Li Z., Ma Z. 2011. Occurrence of arsenic in brown rice and its relationship to soil properties from Hainan Island, China. Environmental Pollution,
17.Li G., Feng X., Li Z., Qiu G., Shang L., Liang P., Wang D., Yang Y. 2010. Mercury emission to atmosphere from primary Zn production in China. Science of The Total Environment
18.Gong M., Wu L., Bi X., Ren L., Wang L., Ma Z., Bao Z., Li Z. 2009. Assessing heavy-metal contamination and sources by GIS-based approach and multivariate analysis of urban–rural topsoils in Wuhan, central China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health
19.Feng X., Jiang H., Qiu G., Yan H., Li G., Li Z. 2009. Geochemical processes of mercury in Wujiangdu and Dongfeng reservoirs, Guizhou, China. Environmental Pollution
20.Feng X., Jiang H., Qiu G., Yan H., Li G., Li Z. 2009. Mercury mass balance study in Wujiangdu and Dongfeng Reservoirs, Guizhou, China. Environmental Pollution
21.Li P., Feng X., Qiu G., Shang L., Li Z. 2009. Mercury pollution in Asia: A review of the contaminated sites. Journal of Hazardous Materials
22.Fu X., Feng X., Wang S., Rothenberg S., Shang L., Li Z., Qiu G. 2009. Temporal and spatial distributions of total gaseous mercury concentrations in ambient air in a mountainous area in southwestern China: Implications for industrial and domestic mercury emissions in remote areas in China. Science of The Total Environment
23.Guo Y., Feng X., Li Z., He T., Yan H., Meng B., Zhang J., Qiu G. 2008. Distribution and wet deposition fluxes of total and methyl mercury in Wujiang River Basin, Guizhou, China. Atmospheric Environment
24.Li P., Feng X., Qiu G., Li Z., Fu X., Sakamoto M., Liu X., Wang D. 2008. Mercury exposures and symptoms in smelting workers of artisanal mercury mines in Wuchuan, Guizhou, China. Environmental Research
25.Li G., Feng X., Qiu G., Bi X., Li Z., Zhang C., Wang D., Shang L., Guo Y. 2008. Environmental mercury contamination of an artisanal zinc smelting area in Weining County, Guizhou, China. Environmental Pollution
26.He T., Feng X., Guo Y., Qiu G., Li Z., Liang L., Lu J. 2008. The impact of eutrophication on the biogeochemical cycling of mercury species in a reservoir: A case study from Hongfeng Reservoir, Guizhou, China. Environmental Pollution
27.Feng X., Wang S., Qiu G., He T., Li G., Li Z., Shang L. 2008. Total gaseous mercury exchange between water and air during cloudy weather conditions over Hongfeng Reservoir, Guizhou, China. Journal of Geophysical Research
28.Feng X., Li P., Qiu G., Wang S., Li G., Shang L., Meng B., Jiang H., Bai W., Li Z., Fu X. 2008. Human exposure to methylmercury through rice intake in mercury mining areas, Guizhou province, China. Environmental Science & Technology
29.Feng X., Tang S., Li Z., Wang S., Liang L. 2004. Landfill is an important atmospheric mercury emission source. Chinese Science Bulletin,
30.Yu J., Liu J., Wang J., Li Z., Zhang X. 2002. Spatial-temporal variation of heavy metal elements content in covering soil of reclamation area in Fushun coal mine. Chinese Geographical Science
31.李仲根,馮新斌,李廣輝,張艷哲,王學鋒,李啟立. 2013.貴州省民用燃煤的大氣汞排放特徵. 高校地質學報
32.李仲根,馮新斌,閉向陽,孫廣義,崔麗峰,王建旭,劉濤澤. 2011. 貴州省某土法煉鋅點土壤重金屬污染現狀. 生態學雜誌
33.李仲根,馮新斌,李平,付學吾. 2009. 垃圾填埋場大氣汞的濃度和形態. 環境科學研究
34.李仲根, Pan Wei-ping, 馮新斌. 2008. 現代燃煤電廠汞的行為和釋放特徵. 環境科學與技術
35.李仲根, 馮新斌, 閉向陽. 土法煉鋅造成的環境鉛污染及治理措施探討-以黔西北為例.2008. 礦物岩石地球化學通報
36.李仲根,馮新斌,鄭偉,商立海,付學吾. 2007. 大氣中不同形態汞的採集和分析方法. 中國環境監測.
37.李仲根,馮新斌,湯順林,王少鋒,李平,付學吾.2006. 城市生活垃圾填埋場垃圾-土壤-植物中汞含量的分布特徵.地球與環境
38.李仲根,馮新斌,湯順林,王少鋒. 2006. 封閉式城市生活垃圾填埋場向大氣釋放汞的途徑. 環境科學
39.李仲根,馮新斌,湯順林,王少鋒,李平. 2005. 垃圾填埋場滲濾液中的汞及現場污水處理設施對其的去除.地球與環境
40.李仲根,馮新斌,王少鋒,湯順林,李平. 2005. 封閉垃圾填埋場通過地表向大氣釋放汞的測定.生態環境,
41.李仲根,馮新斌,何天容,閻海魚,Liang Lian. 2005. 王水水浴消解-冷原子螢光法測定土壤和沉積物中的總汞.礦物岩石地球化學通報
42.李仲根,馮新斌,湯順林,王少鋒,Liang Lian.2004.貴陽市生活垃圾衛生填埋場汞的地氣交換特徵初步研究.地球與環境


