

嚴繼舟,男I(左一),醫學博士,上海海洋大學教授,中國細胞生物學會、美國細胞生物學會(ASCB)和美國斑馬魚信息網協會(ZFIN)會員。PloS Genetics, PLoS ONE 和Cancer Investigation期刊審稿人, 捷克共和國 (Czech Republic)國家自然科學基金特邀評審。


  • 中文名:嚴繼舟
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教授
  • 主要成就:醫學博士


1980年至1988年在武漢大學醫學院(原湖北醫科大學)醫學系和病原生物學專業學習,先後獲醫學學士和碩士學位。1993年至1995年獲中英科技合作項目資助在英國倫敦大學倫敦衛生和熱帶醫學學院(London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)進修血清流行病學和分子生物學。1996年-1999年第二軍醫大學病原生物學博士畢業獲醫學博士學位。2000年6月至2005年3月在美國國家衛生研究院(NIH)從事博士後研究,主要研究斑馬魚發育基因組學。隨後應聘美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院(University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine )助理研究員(Research Associate),從事白血病和抑癌基因表觀遺傳學和信號轉導研究。2009年3月回國就職於上海海洋大學水產與生命學院。
科研方向:幹細胞和再生生物學, 海洋生物醫學。


上海海洋大學,教授。中國細胞生物學會、美國細胞生物學會(ASCB)和美國斑馬魚信息網協會 (ZFIN)會員。上海細胞生物學學會理事、學術委員會委員。Journal of Clinical Investigation, PLoS Genetics, Biochemical Journal, Journal of Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine, Journal of Cancer Investigation, 和 PLoS ONE 等8種英文期刊審稿人。捷克共和國(Czech republic)國家基金特邀國際評審。


1996/9 - 1999/6,第二軍醫大學,病原生物學,博士
1985/9 - 1988/7,湖北醫學院(武漢大學醫學部),人體寄生蟲學,碩士
1980/9 - 1985/7,湖北醫學院(武漢大學醫學部),醫療,醫學學士


2009/3 - 至今,上海海洋大學,水產與生命學院,教授
2005/3 - 2009/2,University of Pennsylvania,School of Medicine,Reaesrach Associate.
2000/6-2005/3, National Institutes of Health, Research fellow (博士後).
1999/7 - 2000/6,第一軍醫大學,熱帶病研究所,助理研究員
1993/11-1995/1, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, visiting scholar.
1988/7-1996/8, 湖北省醫學科學院/湖北省衛生防疫站,實習研究員、助理研究員、醫師、主管醫師


D Sun, Y Zhang, C Wang, X Hua, XA Zhang and J Yan. Sox9-related signaling controls zebrafish juvenile ovary-testis transformation. Cell Death and Disease (2013) 4, e930; doi:10.1038/cddis.2013.456
Xuelong Wang, Huihui He, Wenqiao Tang, Xin A. Zhang, Xianxin Hua, Jizhou Yan* Two Origins of Blastemal Progenitors Define Blastemal Regeneration of Zebrafish Lower Jaw. PloS One, 2012;7(9):e45380
Jizhou Yan, Shawn Burgess. Using a yeast inverse one-hybrid system to identify functional binding sites of transcription factors. Methods Mol Biol. 2012:786:275-290
He H, Hua X, Yan J*. Epigenetic regulations in hematopoietic Hox code. Oncogene, 2011;30:379-388
Austin T. Thiel, Peter Blessington, Tao Zou, Danielle Feather, Xinjiang Wu, Jizhou Yan, Hui Zhang, Zuguo Liu, Patricia Ernst, Gary A. Koretzky, and Xianxin Hua. MLL-AF9-Induced Leukemogenesis Requires Co-Expression of the Wild Type Mll Allele. Cancer Cell, 2010;17(2):148- 59
J Yan, Y Yang, H Zhang, C King, H-M Kan, C-X Yuan, GS Bloom and X Hua. Menin interacts with IQGAP1 to enhance intercellular adhesion of beta cells. Oncogene. 2009;28 (7):973.
Jizhou. Yan*, Xiang Yang, Mark A. Martin*, Mohammed Shahabuddin. Malaria sporozoite antigen-directed genome-wide responses in transgenic Drosophila. Genesis, 2009,47(3):196.
Jue Zeng, Jizhou Yan, Ting Wang, et al. Genome wide screens in yeast to identify potential binding sites and target genes of DNA binding proteins. Nuclei Acid Research 2008, 36, 1,e8, 共第一作者
Jizhou Yan, Ya-Xiong Chen, Angela Desmond, Albert Silvia, Yuqing Yang, Haoren Wang, Xianxin Hua. Cdx4 and menin co-regulate Hoxa9 expression in hematopoietic cells. PLoS ONE 2006; 1(1): e47
Chen Ya-Xiong, Jizhou Yan, Keeshan K, et al. The tumor suppressor menin regulates hematopoiesis and myeloid transformation by influencing Hox gene expression. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2006; 103: 1018
Jizhou Yan, Lisha Xu, Gregory Crawford, and Shawn M. Burgess. The forkhead transcription factor Foxi1 remains bound to condensed mitotic chromosomes and stably remodels chromatin structure. Mol Cell Biol, 2006, 26 (1): 155.
Robert M. Nissen, Jizhou Yan, Adam Amsterdam, Nancy Hopkins, and Shawn M. Burgess. Zebrafish foxi one modulates cellular responses of Fgf signalling required for the integrity of ear and jaw patterning. Development 2003, 130 (11):2543


1996/9 - 1999/6,第二軍醫大學,病原生物學,博士
1985/9 - 1988/7,湖北醫學院(武漢大學醫學部),人體寄生蟲學,碩士
1980/9 - 1985/7,湖北醫學院(武漢大學醫學部),醫療,醫學學士


2009/3 - 至今,上海海洋大學,水產與生命學院,教授
2005/3 - 2009/2,University of Pennsylvania,School of Medicine,Reaesrach Associate.
2000/6-2005/3, National Institutes of Health, Research fellow (博士後).
1999/7 - 2000/6,第一軍醫大學,熱帶病研究所,助理研究員
1993/11-1995/1, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, visiting scholar.
1988/7-1996/8, 湖北省醫學科學院/湖北省衛生防疫站,實習研究員、助理研究員、醫師、主管醫師


(1)Yan J, Burgess S. Using a yeast inverse one-hybrid system to identify functional binding sites of transcription factors. Methods Mol Biol.:786:275-290,2012 (序列叢書)
(2)He H, Hua X, Yan J*. Epigenetic regulations in hematopoietic Hox code. Oncogene,30(4):379-88, 2011 (通信作者)


1)Zhang H, Wang X, Lyu K, Gao S, Wang G, Fan C, Zhang XA, Yan J*. Time Point-based Integrative Analyses of Deep-transcriptome Identify Four Signal Pathways in Blastemal Regeneration of Zebrafish Lower Jaw. Stem Cells 11/2014; Stem Cells 2015;33:806-8181 (通信作者)
(2)Sun D, Zhang Y, Wang C, Hua X, Zhang XA, Yan J*. Sox9-related signaling controls zebrafish juvenile ovary-testis transformation. Cell Death & Diseases 2013, 4, e930 (通信作者)
(3) Wang X, He H, Tang W, Zhang X, Hua X, Yan J*. Two Origins of Blastemal Progenitors Define Blastemal Regeneration of Zebrafish Lower Jaw. PloS One, 7(9):e45380,2012 (通信作者)
(1)Wang X, He, H, Zheng W, Chen G and Yan J*. Characterization of blastema formation and pattern reformation during lower jaw regeneration in zebrafish, in the Minisymposium entitled, “Stem Cells and Pluripotency” at the 2011 American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting in Denver, CO, December 3-7. selected speaker
(2)He H, Hua X and Yan J*. Epigenetic regulations in hematopoietic Hox code in Miami 2011 Winter Symposium: Epigenetics in Development and Disease, Miami, FL, USA February 6-9, 2011. poster presentation


