


Ph.D (NANJING Univ.),Associate Professor


Research Areas Comprehensive Study of Buddhism and Literature in Medieval Period;Cross-study of Religious Images and Rituals;Study of Literature in East Asian


  • 中文名:劉學軍
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:安徽六安
  • 畢業院校:南京大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:中國古代文學
  • 職務:教研室主任 


《中國思想史》(TheIntellectualHistory of China)
《中國古代文學》(先秦—魏晉南北朝)(Ancient Chinese Literature:fromPre-Qin to Weijin Dynasty)
《中國宗教文學導論》(Introduction to Chinese Religious Literature)
《陶詩細讀》(Close-reading of Taoyuanming’s poems)


Space·Imagination·Identity: Writing and Construction of the Incident of Tai Wu destroy Buddhism inGaosengzhuan,Xin Guoxue, No.16, Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, May. 2018.
The Close Analysis of Faxian’s Anecdote “Go South to Jiangkang”(南下向都):Related to the Relationship between the Translation of Buddhist Vinaya and the Rite and Fall of Buddhist Groups in South & North China of 4-5 Century,Journal of the 3-9th Century Chinese History, No. 36, Shanghai: ShanghaiClassicsPublishingHouse, Nov. 2017, pp. 48-60.
The Double Meaning of Jiadao’s Poetry: a New Survey ofSending Monks Wuke送無可上人,Chinese Poetics, No.24, Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House,Dec.2017,pp.65-73.
Remaking the Eminent Monk: The Shaping of An-shigao in medieval monk’s biography and it’s intellectual background,Studies in History of Buddhism, No.1, Taipei: New Wen Feng publishing company, Aug. 2017.
Stylistic selection and cultural implication of the “論贊”writing inGaosengzhuan,inReflection and Breakthrough: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Parallel Prose, eds. by Cao Hong,Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing. LTD, pp. 65-79.
From Bibliography to Biography: A Survey ofGaosengzhuanon Its Edition and Academic Background,Journal of Chinese Literature and History, No.122, Shanghai: ShanghaiClassicsPublishingHouse, Jun. 2016, pp. 151-189.
Xu Lanxuexuan and zhu Zhifan in Perspective of East Asian Literature Exchange: A Study of Item “Xuemeishi”許妹氏inLiechaoshijixiaozhuan列朝詩集小傳,Literary Heritage, 2015(4), pp. 113-120.
A New Survey of the Process of being excluded on Buddhabhadra:Gaosengzhuan’s Writing and Social and political circumstances of Monk’s Group in Medieval Period,Journal of the Institute for Chinese Classics Studies, No.17(1),Nanjiing: Phoenix Publishing House,Nov,2014, pp. 103-123.
A Meaningful Misreading: an Analysis ofshiwaiyuanzhi事外遠致in Ancient Literary Theory,Journal of Central South University (Social Science), 2014(3), pp. 221-227.
The Analysis of the Psychological Mechanism in Literary Appreciation of Wei Jin and Six Dynasties,Series of Literary Criticism, No.15(1), Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, Aug, 2013, pp.78-86.
Approach of Research on the Buddhist Monk Biogrphies in East Asia: a Study Based on Academic History,The Chinese Buddhist Studies, Vol.ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, 2013, pp.79-86.
The New Approach of Research on the Buddhist Monk Biogrphies in East Asia,Chinese Social Sciences Daily, 2013-8-5.
Analysis of "dream" inChuang-tzu,Xin Guoxue, No.7, Chengdu: Bashu Book House, May. 2008.
(14)“西域”面具下的中國僧人:智慧輪與晚唐密教,原載T’oung-p’ao: Revue internationale de sinology(《通報》)99.1 [2013],中文版載《佛教與中外交流》,上海:中西書局,2016年版,Jinhua Chen(University of British Columbia)撰、劉學軍譯(合譯);
A Chinese Monk under a ‘Barbarian’ Mask: Zhihuilun智慧輪(?-876) and Late Tang Esoteric Buddhism,T’ oung-pao: Revue Internationale de Sinology, 99.1-3(2013),written byChen Jinhua,translated byLiu Xuejunand Zhang Dewei, inBuddhism in Communication between China and the Abroad, Shanghai: Zhongxi Press, 2016, pp. 306-347.
(15)梁武帝內道場中的無遮法會,原載Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies(《哈佛亞洲研究學刊》), Vol. 66, No. 1 (Jun., 2006),中文版載《佛教與中外交流》,上海:中西書局,2016年版,Jinhua Chen(UBC)撰、劉學軍譯(合譯);
Pancavarsika Assemblies in Liang Wudi’s Buddhist Palace Chapel,Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies,66.1(2006),written byChen Jinhua,translated byLiu Xuejunand Chen Zhiyuan, inBuddhism in Communication between China and the Abroad, Shanghai: Zhongxi Press, 2016, pp. 123-168.
From Borderland to Heartland: An Explanation of the Shift of the Buddhist Center from India to China,written byPokan Chou,translated byLiu Xuejun,inThe Vision and Prospect of Sino-Indian Relations Research, Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2016, pp. 43-64.


Translation and Annotation of Dhammapada, Taipei: San Min Book co., Ltd, 2018.
Spells, Images, and Mandalas: Tracing the Evolution of Esoteric Buddhist Rituals,written by Koichi Shinohara, translated by Liu Xuejun, Shanghai: Zhongxi Press, forthcoming.


National Social Science Fund Project(Youth), HOST, Period : from July, 2015.


Cross-strait History and Culture Camp, Hubei﹒China; Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica & Wuhan University, July. 2017.
The First Forum of Buddhist History Study: Buddhist Historical Materials and Historical Workshop, Zhejiang﹒China; Zhejiang University, Nov. 2016.
The Fourth International Symposium on Buddhist literature and Literature,Zhejiang﹒China; Zhejiang University, Nov. 2016.
The Eighteenth International Symposium on Literature in the Tang Dynasty,Chengdu﹒China; Southwest Jiaotong University, Sep. 2016.
Reflection and Breakthrough: the Fourth International Symposium on Parallel Prose,Chengdu﹒China; Southwest Jiaotong University, Oct. 2015.
International Young Scholars Forum on Buddhism and East Asian Culture Studies,Sichuan﹒China; Mount Emei Buddhist College, Dec. 2014.
International Young Scholars Forum on Chinese Culture Studies,Hongkong﹒China; The Chinese University Hong Kong, Jun. 2014.


Excellent Papers (first prize) of the Eleventh Academic Conference of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Jiangsu Province, 2017.
Outstanding Young Teachers of "Qing- Lan" Project in Jiangsu Province, 2016.
Award for Excellence in Scientific Research (first prize) of Jiangsu Second Normal University, 2016.



