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何錚,管理學博士、經濟學碩士、數學理學學士。兩年作為院長助理擔任電子科技大學 EMBA項目教學主管。


  • 中文名:何錚
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:管理學博士
  • 性別:男


2003-2004兩年作為院長助理擔任電子科技大學 EMBA項目教學主管。


MBA :《管理經濟學》雙語教學 (2000-2007)、《戰略管理》、《總量經濟學》、《技術經濟學》。



[1]Rayman-Bacchus, L. and He, Z. 2014. Assessing clustered SME practice towards environmental and social impact: a Bourdieusian approach. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 8(2): 167-189。
[2]He, Z., Rayman-Bacchus, L. and Wu, Y. 2011. Self-organization of industrial clustering in a transition economy: a proposed framework and case study evidence from China. Research Policy, 40: 1280-1294。
[3]He, Z. and Rayman-Bacchus, L. 2010. Cluster network and innovation under transitional economies: An empirical study of the Shaxi garment cluster. Chinese Management Studies, 4(4): 360-384。
[4]Zhang, X.J., He, Z.S., He, Z. and Rayman-Bacchus, L. 2012. Probability Routing Strategy for Scale-free Network. Physica A)。
[5]Zhang, X.J., He, Z.S., He, Z. and Rayman-Bacchus, L. 2012. SPR-based Markov Chain Method for Degree Distributions of Evolving Networks. Physica A, 391(11): 3350-3358。
[6]Wei, X.T. and He, Z. 2009. Coopetition model: evidence from electric power market in the southwest of China. Journal of Systems Science and Information, 7(4): 367-377。
[7]Zhang, X.J. and He, Z. 2009. Initial value sensitivity in technology diffusion. Journal of Systems Science and Information, 7(1): 11-22。
[8]He, Z. and Li, S.M. 2006. Product innovation in high-tech SMEs: a case study of Weili Electronics Co. Ltd. Journal of Electronic Science of Technology of China(English version), 4(4): 328-332。


[1]何錚,張曉軍,吳易明.2013. 新產品擴散的隨機閾值模型實證研究.系統管理學報,22(1):39-45。
[2]何錚,張曉軍.2011. 集群創新擴散的魯棒性和脆弱性. 系統管理學報,20(6): 682-689。
[3]何錚,張曉軍,吳易明. 2010. 基於隨機閾值模型的兩個競爭性產品擴散研究, 行銷科學學報,6(2): 84-97。
[4]譚勁松,何錚. 2009. 集群自組織的複雜網路仿真研究. 管理科學學報,12(4): 1-14。
[5]張曉軍,李仕明,何錚. 2009. 社會網路密度對創新擴散的影響. 系統工程,27(1): 92-97。
[6]張曉軍,李仕明,何錚. 2009. 創新擴散的複雜網路視角. 系統管理學報,18(2): 186-192。
[7]譚勁松,何錚. 2007. 集群文獻綜述及其最新研究趨勢. 管理世界,12: 140-147。
[8]何錚. 2006. 對中國國有企業戰略演進的主流學術研究. 南開管理評論,9(2): 106-109。
[9]何錚,譚勁松,陸園園. 2006. 組織環境與組織戰略關係文獻綜述. 管理世界11: 144-151。
[10]何錚,Justin Tan. 2005. 複雜理論在集群領域的研究:基於東莞PC集群的初步探討. 管理世界,12: 108-136。


[1]Ackah,O., He, Z. and Zhou, S. 2014. Technological Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Study from Manufacturing Cluster in China. Proceedings of the 5th CAMOT International Conference 2014 International Conference, May, Beijing, China。
[2]He,Z., Zhou, S. and Ackah O. 2013. Network Governance and Copycats in Industrial Cluster: A Case Study of Zhongshan Gas Appliance Cluster. Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Strategy Management, December, Chengdu, China.。
[3]He, Z. and Rayman-Bacchus, L. 2011. How stakeholders influence perceptions and practices of CSR within an industrial cluster?A directional weighted network approach. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development,April, London, UK。
[4]He, Z. and Zhu, H. 2011. Coevolution between industry environment and corporate strategy in hi-tech industrial cluster: a complexity perspective. Proceedings of 2011 International conference on Strategic Management,September, Chengdu, China。
[5]Zhu, H., Li, J. and He, Z. 2011. Government role on promoting the practice of corporate social responsibility in China: A case analysis of Foxconn. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Public Administration, October, Chengdu。
[6]Zhu, H. and He, Z. 2010. Government role on promoting corporate engagement in citizenship society. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Public Administration, October, Australia。
[7]Sui, W.J., He, Z. and Qiu, M.Y. 2009. Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Organization Slack on Corporate Philanthropy Donations. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Public Economics and Management, November, Xiamen, China。
[8]Zhang X.J. and He, Z. 2009. A more strict definition of steady state degree distribution Proceedings of The First International Conference on Complex Science, Shanghai, China。
[9]Wei, X.T. and He, Z. 2009. Impact of shareholder turnover on social responsibility: evidence from Leshan electric power market. Proceedings of The 5th International Symposium For Corporate Governance, Tianjin, China。
[10]Wei, X.T. and He, Z. 2009. Integrated Emergency System: Electric Power Crisis Management in Sichuan Province. Proceedings of International Conference on Public Administration (ICPA2009), October, Chengdu, China。
[11]Wei, X.T., Li, S.M. and He, Z. 2009. Business models of provincial electric power company in southwest of China under transitional economy. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Strategy Management, Chengdu, China。
[12]He, Z. and Zhang, X.J. 2008. Core-network method of empirical research in industrial cluster. International Conference on Management Science & Engineering(15th). Long Beach, California, USA , 1496-1501。
[13]Zhang, X.J., He, Z. and Yang, Y.M. 2008. A theoretical result of minimal angle direct method. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Chongqing, China, 621-625.。
[14]Zhang, X.J. and He, Z. 2008. Accelerated simplex method Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Chongqing, China ,664-673。
[15]He, Z. 2006. Cluster network and innovation under transitional economy. Proceedings of CICALICS International Conference, Chengdu, China。
[16]He, Z. and Tan, J. 2006. Antecedents of self-organizing and positive feedback mechanism among industry clusters. Proceedings of Babson-Nankai International Conference in Entrepreneurship, Tianjing, China。


[1]何錚. 實體集群與虛擬集群:聚合模式及其可持續性. 成都:電子科技大學出版,2013。
[2]何錚,張曉軍. 複雜網路在管理領域的套用研究. 成都:電子科技大學出版,2008。


[1]2003年獲 "EMBA項目實施創新獎”。


