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  • 中文名:陶曉波
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1981年
  • 職稱:講師
1.陶曉波. 區域人力資源流動研究——兼論政府與市場的相互作用[J]. 科學管理研究, 2010,(1).
2.黃桂芝,陶曉波. 購物中心的商戶關係研究[J]. 北京工商大學學報(社會科學版), 2007,(3).(人大複印資料中心《商貿經濟》全文轉載, 2007,(9);人大複印資料中心《企業管理研究》摘要轉引, 2007,(11)).
3.呂一林,陶曉波. 網路環境下消費者信任的影響因素研究——以產品類型為調節變數[C]. 2008中國人民大學國際行銷論壇,2008,(9);2008JMS(行銷科學學報)年會,2008,(11).
4.陶曉波. 21世紀以來品牌延伸理論的發展與綜述[J]. 商業時代,2008,(8).
5.陶曉波,黃桂芝. 基於國外經驗的北京市商業布局研究[J]. 北京工商大學學報(社會科學版), 2009,(1).
6.陶曉波. 社區商業設施滿意度測評指標體系實證研究——以北京市為例[J]. 北京工商大學學報(社會科學版), 2009,(12). (人大複印資料中心《商貿經濟》全文轉載, 2010,(4)).
7.陶曉波. 口碑類型,傳播型態與網路負面口碑可信度[J].華東經濟管理(已接收),2011,(4).
8.陶曉波. 網路負面口碑傳播對消費者購買意願影響研究——以數碼產品為例[D]. 中國人民大學商學院博士學位論文,2009,(6).
1.Xiaobo Tao. Elaboration Likelihood Model and Attitude Persistence: How does Cue Relatedness Work?[C]. The 2nd Workshop on Strategy and Marketing(2009)(WSM2009), 2009,(12).
2.Xiaobo Tao, Zhuozhao Song. Negative E-WOM, Perceived Credibility and Purchase Intention: Moderating Effect of Information Interference[C]. 2009International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, 2009, (11).
3.Xinrui Zhang, Xiaobo Tao. Communication mode, E-WOM Order, and Consumer Behaviors——An Experimental Study[C]. 2009 International Symposium on Marketing Management, 2009,(12).
4.Guangming Li, Xiaobo Tao. Perceived Credibility and Purchase Intention:How does Negative E-WOM work? [C]. 2009 International Symposium on Marketing Management, 2009,(12).
5.Xiaobo Tao. Perceived Credibility of Negative E-WOM: How Do WOM Type and WOM Order work? [C]. The Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010)(Accepted), 2010,(3).
6.Xinrui Zhang, Xiaobo Tao. Cue Relatedness, Involvement and Attitude Persistence: An Empirical Study Based on Elaboration Likelihood Model[C]. The Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010)(Accepted), 2010,(3).
7.JingJiang, Xiaobo Tao. Using Corporate Ads as a Prime: Effects, Process, and Effectiveness[C]. The 2010 conference "Matters of Communication: Political, Cultural and Technological Challenges." (Accepted), Singapore, 2010,(5).
8.LiuJun, Liu Xiaoyu, Tao Xiaobo. Two-side Charismatic Leadership, Organizational Politics Perception, and Employee Innovation: A Mediation Model. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science (IEEE ICAMS 2010)(Accepted), 2010,(6).

