


  • 中文名:焦紅偉
  • 職業:河南科技學院副教授
  • 畢業院校:西安電子科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士


焦紅偉,男,博士,副教授,河南商水縣人。分別於2003年7月、2006月7月在河南師範大學數學與信息科學學院本科和碩士研究生畢業,獲得理學學士、理學碩士學位;2012年8月至2015年6月在西安電子科技大學套用數學專業攻讀博士研究生,並獲理學博士學位。自2005年以來對非凸規劃問題的全局最佳化算法及系統最佳化進行了深入地研究,取得了一系列研究成果,在《European Journal of Operational Research》、《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications》、《Computers & Operations Research》、《Applied Mathematics and Computation》等國內外學術期刊上發表論文50餘篇,其中被SCI收錄32篇,主持和參與省廳級以上科研項目10餘項,獲河南省自然科學優秀論文一、二等獎8項、著作獎1項,獲新鄉市科技進步一等獎1項、河南省科技成果鑑定2項。碩士畢業論文《幾類非凸規劃問題的全局最佳化算法》被評為河南省第二屆優秀碩士論文。


2012.8—2015.7,西安電子科技大學 數學與統計學院 博士,導師:劉三陽教授
2003.9—2006.7,河南師範大學 數學與信息科學學院 碩士,導師:申培萍教授
1999.9—2003.7,河南師範大學數學與信息科學學院 本科


2006.7—2009.7,河南科技學院 數學系 助教
2009.8—2015.7,河南科技學院 數學科學學院 講師
2015.8—至今, 河南科技學院 數學科學學院 副教授




1. 河南省基礎與前沿技術研究項目,“幾類分式和問題的全局最佳化算法、理論及套用”,2015.01-2017.12.
2. 河南省基礎與前沿技術研究項目,“非凸全局最佳化有效算法研究”,2010.1-2012.12.
3. 河南省高等學校重點科研項目,“基於壓縮感知和稀疏最佳化的圖像處理技術研究”, 2014.1-2016.12.
4. 教育部中央直屬高校基本科研業務費,“比式和分式規劃問題全局最優解的求解方法”, 2014.1-2015.6.
5. 新鄉市科技發展計畫項目,“遺傳算法在等距型面檢測中的套用研究”,2008.1-2010.12.
6. 河南省科技攻關項目,“數學模型在高產粳稻育種與中試技術研發中的套用”,2016.01-2017.12.
7. 河南省科技攻關項目,“基於機器視覺的小麥病蟲害監測系統研究與開發”,2013.01-2015.12.


1. 碩士學位論文“幾類非凸規劃問題的全局最佳化算法”被評為河南省第二屆優秀碩士論文
2. 獲河南省自然科學優秀學術論文一等獎1項,二等獎7項
3. 獲河南省自然學術獎著作三等獎1項
4. 獲河南省科技廳科技成果鑑定2項
5. 獲新鄉市科技進步一等獎1項
6. 多次獲河南科技學院優秀共產黨員、文明教師等


[1]Hong-Wei Jiao*, San-Yang Liu, A practicable branch and bound algorithm for sum of linear ratios problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, (243): 723-730.(SCI二區)
[2]Hong-Wei Jiao*, San-Yang Liu, Ying-Feng Zhao, Effective algorithm for solving the generalized linear multiplicative problem with generalized polynomial constraints, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39: 7568-7582.(SCI一區)
[3] Hongwei Jiao*, A branch and bound algorithm for globally solving a class of nonconvex programming problems. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2009, 70(2):1113–1123.(SCI二區)
[4] Hongwei Jiao*, Sanyang Liu, Nan Lu, A parametric linear relaxation algorithm for globally solving nonconvex quadratic programming, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, (250): 973-985.(SCI二區)
[5] Hongwei Jiao*, et al., Global optimization algorithm for sum of generalized polynomial ratios problem, Applied Mathematics Modelling, 2013, 37(1-2): 187-197.(SCI二區)
[6] Hongwei Jiao*, Yongqiang Chen, A note on a deterministic global optimization algorithm. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2008, 202 (1): 67-70.(SCI二區)
[7] Hongwei Jiao*, et al., Global optimization of generalized linear fractional programming with nonlinear constraints. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2006, 183(2):717-728.(SCI二區)
[8] Hongwei Jiao*, Peiping Shen, A note on the paper global optimization of sum of nonlinear ratios. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007, 188(2): 1812-1815.(SCI二區)
[9] Hongwei Jiao*, Qigao Feng, et al. Global Optimization for Sum of Linear Ratios Problem Using New Pruning Technique, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2008, Article ID 646205, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2008 /646205.(SCI三區)
[10]Hongwei Jiao, Sanyang Liu*, A new linearization technique for minimax linear fractional programming, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2014, 91(8): 1730-1743. (SCI四區)
[11]Hongwei Jiao*, Sanyang Liu, Range division and compression algorithm for quadratically constrained sum of quadratic ratios, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s40314-015-0224-5. (SCI四區)
[12] Hongwei Jiao*, Sanyang Liu, Yongqiang Chen, Global optimization algorithm for a generalized linear multiplicative programming, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2012, (40): 551-568.(EI)
[13] Yongqiang Chen*, Hongwei Jiao*, A nonisolated optimal solution of general linear multiplicative programming problems, Computers & Operations Research, 2009, 36(9): 2573-2579.(SCI二區)
[14] Qigao Feng*, Hongwei Jiao,A Deterministic Algorithm for Min-max and Max-min Linear Fractional Programming Problems, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2011, 4(2): 134-141.(SCI二區)
[15]Pei-Ping Shen, Hongwei Jiao, Accelerating method of global optimization for signomialgeometric programming, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2008, 214 (1) 66 -77. (SCI二區)
[16] Peiping Shen, Hongwei Jiao, A new rectangle branch-and-pruning approach for generalized geometric programming. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2006, 183(2):1027-1038. (SCI二區)
[17] Peiping Shen, Hongwei Jiao, Linearization method for a class of multiplicative programming with exponent. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2006, 183(1):328-336. (SCI二區)


